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This page will help you understand what is needed along with resource links to connect your repeater to a network.
Basic Steps to get on the network.
Figure out which network you want to use, CenTexGMRS recommends and uses GMRSLive
Prepare your repeater for a network connection if you havent already. This step is on a case by case senerio. Repeater setups vary depending on what radio equiptment is being used, a good source for information are places like the GMRSLive Facebook Page
You need to request node numbers from the network of your choice, to get node numbers from GMRSLive, Click Here make sure to read everything before filling out the request form.
Once you have recieved your node numbers or while you are waiting to recieve them, you can begin preparing your raspberry Pi for node setup, for GMRSLive, you can get their image on their website on the "downloads" section or click here and select "GMRSLive", If you are using the GMRSLive network, you should ALWAYS download the image from the Official GMRSLive Website
Once you have your image downloaded you will need to follow instructions located on the GMRSLive website in the "HowTo" Section and select "INSTALL GMRS LIVE".
This page is new and more resources will be added over time.